Looe, Cornwall. PL13 1DX +44 07802 237 938 secretary.bsaf@gmail.com

BSAF Fishing Rules

BISAF 16 – Fishing Rules

Unless to be kept for consumption or for bait it is intended that fish will be released. In particular we wish to avoid bringing ashore any fish which would be wasted.

The only species landed ashore to be weighed are those qualifying for heaviest fish in classes 4, 6, 10, 11 and 12, i.e.:

  • heaviest Pollock, Ling, Whiting, Cod, Bream over the duration of festival;
  • any fish classified and entered for Specimen fish over duration of festival.

Conger (Class 8) to be weighed at sea and not landed Every effort will be made to remove hooks before release.

Skipper’s decision on whether any fish is to be landed is final.

For the purpose of scoring, all fish (including any fish weighed in at sea or ashore) are awarded points as shown below. The weight of fish is relevant only in respect of the heaviest or Specimen fish classes.

Basis of scoring: Fish will be awarded the following points scores:

Conger15(increased to 25 for 30lb+ Congers and to 35 for 40lb+ on Conger Day)
Ling10(increased to 15 for Ling Day)
Pollock (40cm or more in length)10(increased to 15 for Pollock Day)
Cod, Bream, Bass, Ray, Tope, Spur Dog, Huss, Smooth hound, John Dory, Red Mullet20
Pollock (under 40cm)3} maximum limit 10 per
} species per day, i.e. no score
} for any fish over 10
Pouting, Wrasse, Dogfish, Whiting2
All other species (excluding micro species)10

Micro Species include Poor Cod, Scad, Rockling, Mackerel or any Bait Fish. These fish do not score points, but are eligible for inclusion in the angler's Species sheet.

Contenders for the Specimen Cup (Class 13) will be considered on presentation night and the best Specimen selected for the cup. See below for procedure for submission of Specimen Fish.

Species points will be accumulated over the week. All species (including micro species) will count towards total number of species. Points will be awarded as follows:

5 species = 50 points10 species = 100 pointsEach additional species (over 10) = 10 points.15 species = bonus 50 points

Any shark caught will not count towards any points score but will count as a Species and may be eligible for the Looe Chamber of Trade and Commerce Individual Shark Trophy.

General Rules:

  • Only one rod to be used at a time and only fish caught on 3 hooks or less count in points totals
  • (Fish caught on feathers of more than 3 hooks can still be counted as a Species even though not scoring points)
  • Live sandeels are not allowed to be used for bait
  • Skippers are not permitted to fish other than for bait
  • In the event of poor weather the Committee and Skippers will agree if fishing is allowed in deep water, sheltered water or if the day will be suspended. All decisions are final
  • In the event of deteriorating weather the Skipper’s decision to return to port is final
  • Times for departing from port and lines up will be agreed by Skippers and any angler failing to follow instruction will be disqualified
  • The Committee reserve the right to amend or suspend any rule without notice

Procedure for submission of Heaviest / Specimen Fish

  1. Where fish are weighed in ashore, this must be undertaken by the appropriate skipper and be witnessed by a member of the committee or their representative, who will record details of the species, weight and by whom caught on the Daily Sheet. Where possible a photo of the fish showing the weight recorded on the scales should also be taken.
  2. Where a fish to be submitted for a Heaviest / Specimen Fish prize is released it should first be weighed and photographed by the skipper (alongside the official IFCA chart where appropriate) and details recorded on the Daily Sheet. It is the responsibility of the skipper to provide details and photo to a member of the committee or their representative (eg by Whatsapp) on return to port.

Fish not complying with these guidelines will not be eligible for submission for any Heaviest / Specimen prize.

Version 6a dated 15 August 2020

Trophy Classes

Team championships will be in teams of 2, 3 or 4; results will be apportioned in the event of unequal team sizes.

Skippers prizes will be calculated by dividing total boat score by angler numbers to give average per angler.

Class 1)Highest number of points scored by a competitor on any day other than Conger dayMillard challenge cup
Class 2)Team championship, highest number of points scored by a team on Team Championship DayBoy Bladen Challenge Cup
Class 3)Individual 2 day championship, highest number of points scored by a competitor over 2 designated daysMoors Park SAC Challenge Cup
Class 4)Heaviest single Pollock taken over the duration of festivalJack Bray Challenge Trophy
Class 5)Highest number of points scored for Pollock taken on Ling / Pollock DayAlan Sear Memorial Trophy
Class 6)Heaviest single Ling taken over the duration of festivalDaggers Challenge Cup
Class 7)Highest number of points scored for Ling taken on Ling / Pollock DayAlec McVeigh Trophy
Class 8)Heaviest single Conger taken over the duration of festivalReg and Joyce Yallop Perpetual Challenge Cup
Class 9)Highest number of points scored for Conger taken on Conger DayCorringham Bull Challenge Trophy
Class 10)Heaviest single Whiting taken over the duration of festivalTed Moore Challenge Cup
Class 11)Heaviest single Cod taken over the duration of festivalSeymour Toms Cup
Class 12)Heaviest single Bream taken over the duration of festivalBream cup
Class 13)Specimen Cup as selected on Presentation NightLooe Urban District Council Challenge Trophy
Class 14A)Highest number of points scored over the duration of the festival1st Edgar Sealey Challenge Trophy
Class 14B)Second highest number of points scored over the duration of the festival2nd Jack Brown Memorial Trophy
Class 15)Overall Team Championship - highest number of points scored by a team over the duration of festivalHannafore Point Hotel Cup
Class 16)Greatest number of different species taken over the duration of the FestivalJack Butters Memorial Trophy
Class 17)Heaviest shark caught by any competitor on any day of the festivalLooe Chamber of Trade and Commerce Individual Shark Cup
Class 18A)Skippers' Cup - highest number of points scored over the duration of the festival1st A.H.Hill Challenge trophy
Class 18B)Skippers' Cup – second highest number of points scored over the duration of the festival2nd L.E.A Portman Trophy
Class 19)Skippers' Challenge Bowl – highest number of trophies won in classes 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13.Festival Committee Challenge Bowl
Wooden SpoonLowest number of points over the duration of the festivalArmand Toms Plaque

Classes and Cups Updated: 14 Sep 2018

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